Breakfast Club

Our Breakfast Club sessions run from 8.00am-8.40am and are perfect for those parents/carers who need care for children in the morning before school starts. Sessions cost £3.50 (or £4.50 with breakfast included). A booking form is available from the school office or you can print from the link below.

School starts at 8.45am every day

 School starts at 8.45 am to do 'early morning work'. This may be changing a reading book, completing marking pointers from the day before, working through spellings or times tables - or any other short task as set by the class teacher. Doors will open at 8.40 so that children can be ready to start early morning work. Please ensure prompt arrival.

Collective Worship is held every day.

Monday Collective Worship is with the Open the Book team on alternate weeks. Our other acts of Collective Worship include: clergy collective worship: class worship; singing worship; praying for the world worship and celebration worship. Our celebration worship is held at 2.45 in the church on Friday and parents are welcome to stay for a cup of tea and a chat.

Break time is 11.15- 11.30am

Reading, Writing  and Maths lessons are in the mornings before and after break

Lunchtime is at 12.30

Lunchtime finishes at 1.15 when the children return to class.

The afternoons are a mixture of different lessons - Art, ICT, Science, Swimming, Topic, Music .

School finishes at 3.15pm every day

A range of after school clubs take place every term, led by school staff or other specialist providers.


It is essential that all pupils attend school and are punctual, ready to begin their fun day of learning. However we recognise that there are times when your child is ill and needs to remain at home to rest and recover. Children often have coughs and sniffles and its difficult to determine whether they should be at school. Using the NHS website will give you advice. Is my child too ill for school? - NHS ( . If your child is too ill to attend school please contact the school office giving details. School will contact parents if we haven't heard.

School Uniform-  

All children are required to wear school uniform. This creates a sense of belonging, identity and friendship. The uniform consists of the following, summer dresses and shorts to be worn after the Easter break as the weather warms.

       ·         Red sweatshirts/cardigans/fleeces

·         Red or white polo shirt

·         Grey skirt / pinafore dress

·         Grey / black trousers/leggings

·         White, grey, black or red socks or tights.

·         Black leather shoes                                     

·         Red and white checked dresses.



·         Black or red Shorts

·         White T shirts

·         Black or White P.E. shoes

·         Black or red jogging bottoms for the winter months.

·         P.E. draw - string bag



Uniform items branded with the school logo are available to order direct from our one supplier Wovina via their website but non branded alternatives are acceptable provided they are the correct colour which can be purchased from local supermarkets, second hand shops and through the PTA who hold a selection of good quality second hand uniform. Click on the SCHOOLWEAR tab and scroll down to the St Mabyn School collection to see all items available.

These items include sweatshirts, cardigans, polo shirts, fleeces, sports hoodies and winter coats as well as school bags and PE bags. 

Shoulder length/long hair must be tied up at all times.

Due to health and safety reasons jewellery is not permitted in school except small stud earrings and watches (no bracelets or necklaces).

Make-up and cosmetics (including nail varnish) are not considered appropriate or consistent with our school uniform and are not permitted.

Name labels can be obtained

For branded school uniform